Custom Cuts Bulk Beef
Custom Cuts Bulk Beef
SOLD OUT for 2024. Next available beef shares will be early 2025.
Custom Bulk Beef. Grass developed, grain finished beef raised on our family ranch in Texas. You will be able to fully customize your order and select which cuts you would like, steak thickness, and quantity you would like packaged together. You can select either a whole or half beef custom option. While dependent on the weight of the steer, you can expect to receive approximately 450-500 pounds of beef for a whole beef and 225 to 275 for a half beef. Beef will be aged for approximately 21 to 28 days to ensure superior quality beef.
Deposit required to reserve your order ($425.00 for Half, $850.00 for Whole). Remainder of payment must be received prior to pickup. Total price will be calculated on the hanging weight of the steer. Processing fees are included in price. Please complete your custom order form here. *LOCAL PICKUP ONLY*
More on Ranch Raised Beef Shares.